This is the official discussion topic of the Just Cause 3 Trainer and Cheats in the WeMod app. Legion War Trainer Lego Marvel Super Heroes Trainer LEGO MARVELs Avengers Trainer 圆4 LEGO Star Wars The Force Awakens Trainer Life is Feudal Forest Village Trainer How do you make mods for Just Cause 2? Go to your Just Cause 2 folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Just Cause 2) and create another folder inside it called “dropzone” – without the quotes. If you're looking to wreak havoc and carnage with pretty much no consequence to your personal bodily health, this is the one.

This will open your Just Cause 3 installation folder. Nevertheless, this didn't lead Avalanche Studios to add multiplayer to Just Cause 3.

Voila! Now just start your game with your fresh new mod! Just Cause 3 turned five years today! As a celebration the 5 year modpack was created! Thanks to all of you modders out there who have been creating mods for this game to keep it interesting and fun for a lot of people out there! A thanks also to all of you who use mods and motivate all the mod creators to push the game further! The Just Cause 3 Multiplayer is a major Modification for Just Cause 3.